Tiradentes is already decorated for the second edition of Natal Iluminado, which runs until December 26, with performances on six consecutive weekends. The novelty this year is that the attractions will be in private environments and with ticket sales.
“We made this decision so that there can be control over all the safety measures recommended by the Minas Consciente program,” says Rummenigge Zanola Schmidt, from the Praça em Movimento group, which brings together businessmen from the municipality and is responsible for organizing the Christmas Illumination.
From November 20, two shows will be necessary for residents and tourists: the 1st Vila Encantada, on Fridays at 7pm, at Santíssimo Resort, and Natal i Molinari, on Saturdays, at the same time, at Pousada Pequena Tiradentes. Tickets cost R $ 100 the whole and R $ 50 half per person.
Natal Iluminado takes aim in Gramado, a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul that traditionally hosts Natal Luz. The proposal is that Tiradentes also becomes a reference for Christmas in the country. Last year, the event featured light projections on the city’s monuments, this year the shows invested in production and have a greater number of members.
In the case of the 1st Vila Encantada, a Santa Claus makes a playful presentation alongside a band with typical Christmas characters. At Natal i Molinari, Quarteto i Molinari brings together a soprano Helen Isolani, tenors João di Souza and Néstor Gurry and pianist and arranger Robério Molinari on a stage to present a repertoire composed of operas, operetta, film tracks. popular songs and instrumental music.
“Christmas would not be charged for admission, but with the pandemic it was not possible to afford the costs of the shows”, explains Luiz César Costa, also co-organizer of the event. “As we are working with the incentive law, we have prices for whole and half-price, but we don’t have a big sponsor”, he adds.
The event entered the Christmas atmosphere with the assembly of a sleigh seven meters long by four high and a Christmas tree six meters in Largo das Forras, a main square in the city. Homes and businesses already have their windows and doors decorated with lights. Santa Claus, the main character of the party, will open one of the shows and will walk every week as streets in the historic center.
An example of Gramado, Santa Claus will have a permanent residence in the city. The second floor of the City Hall was transformed into rooms, offices and private rooms of the good old man, curated by Orlando Orube and decorated by Carmélia Abreu.
For the Santa Claus house, the invitations will be sold on site, at R $ 30 per person, and the number of visitors at a time will be limited, following safety and hygiene protocols. Those who prefer can purchase the passport for both presentations, with free access to Casa do Papai Noel, at a price of R $ 200 (full price) and R $ 100 (half price).
Gastronomy has always been an attractive feature in Tiradentes and, this time, the bars, restaurants and cafeterias were prepared to participate in the event with a special dish on the Christmas menu. Prices vary between R $ 30 and R $ 95 for the 12 participants of the event.
At the Luth Bistrô restaurant, for example, the recipe is turkey ravioli with ora-pro-nobis with fresh cream with pistachios and a crunchy citrus of cashews. Sweeten the taste of the french toast with apricot and basil ice cream served as dessert.
1st Vila Encantada show – Great Christmas musical with singers Santa and Mama Claus. Every Friday from November 20, at 7 pm, at Santíssimo Resort (Rua dos Inconfidentes, 140). R $ 100 (whole) and R $ 50 (half).
Show Christmas Show i Molinari with Quartet i Molinari Camerata Musici. Every Saturday, 11/21 at 7 pm, at Pousada Pequena Tiradentes (Avenida Governador Israel Pinheiro, 670). R $ 100 (whole) and R $ 50 (half).
Santa’s house. From Tuesday to Sunday, from 2 pm to 10 pm (November), and from Monday to Monday, from 2 pm to 10 pm (December), at the Municipality of Tiradentes (Rua Bélica, 90, 2nd floor). R $ 30.]
Source: O Tempo